Privacy Policy

Cloud Warn - Weather Forecast (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Weather Forecast" or "we") has always been solemnly committed to protecting users (hereinafter collectively referred to as "users" or "you") who use Weather Forecast's products and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Weather Forecast Services") personal information and privacy security. When you use the weather forecast service, we may collect and use your geographical location information. We hope that through the "Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy"), we will explain to you the processing rules and other related matters when we collect and use your relevant personal information, so as to better protect your rights and interests. Before using the weather forecast service, please be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand this policy, and then start using it after confirming that you fully understand and agree.

After reading this policy, if you have any questions about this policy or matters related to this policy, you can contact us at [email protected] and we will answer you as soon as possible.

How we collect and use personal information

We collect your personal information mainly so that you and other users can use the weather forecast service more easily and satisfactorily. When you use the weather forecast service, we collect, summarize, and record information, such as log information, location information, and device information.

Please understand and agree that we hope that the products and services we provide you are perfect, so we will continue to improve our products and services, which means that with the iteration, expansion, upgrade, etc. of products and services, we may often Launch new services or business capabilities or re-partition business functions.

Weather forecast service

When you use the weather forecast, we will collect your location information so that we can provide the weather information of the day based on your area: temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction and wind level, etc., as well as predict the weather conditions for the next 15 days. If you do not authorize us to obtain your location information, we need you to manually add a city when using it to provide weather information for the corresponding area.

Weather forecast notification

When you use weather forecast products, in order to promptly notify you of weather changes and ensure that the permanent notification bar and desktop widgets can accurately and timely obtain weather data, we need to start the application automatically or in association to ensure timely acquisition of weather information. If you refuse to auto-launch or associate launch apps, you can turn off notifications or delete components in your phone settings. Your turning off notifications or deleting components only affects the weather forecast notification function and does not affect the use of other functions.

According to relevant laws and regulations, your authorization is not required to collect your information in the following situations:

Directly related to national security and national defense security;

Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

To protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests but it is difficult to obtain your consent;

The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by you yourself;

Necessary to enter into and perform a contract at your request;

Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the weather forecast service, such as discovering and handling product or service failures;

Other situations specified by laws and regulations.

Personal information we may share, transfer or disclose Shared

We take protecting your personal information very seriously. Except for the following circumstances, we will not share your personal information with any third party other than Weather Forecast without your additional consent:

Sharing necessary to enable our services and features. In some cases, we need to share your information with third parties to implement the functions of our products or services and allow you to normally use the services you need, including to other suppliers and service providers related to our services/functions. Required sharing with suppliers and business partners.


As our business continues to develop, we may engage in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization and consent again. We will transfer your personal information to third parties with your explicit consent.


We will only disclose your personal information under the following circumstances and under the premise of taking security measures that comply with industry standards:

Based on your needs, the information specified by you will be disclosed in a manner that you explicitly agree to.

When it is necessary to provide your information in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your information based on the requested information type and disclosure method. Subject to complying with laws and regulations, when we receive the above request to disclose information, we will require the recipient to issue corresponding legal documents, such as a subpoena or a letter of investigation. We firmly believe that the information we are asked to provide should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. All requests are carefully reviewed to ensure they have a legitimate basis and are limited to data that law enforcement has a legal right to obtain for specific investigative purposes.

In the following circumstances, sharing, transferring, and disclosing your information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

Directly related to national security and national defense security;

Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

Directly related to judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

To protect your or other individuals' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests but it is difficult to obtain your consent;

Information you disclose to the public on your own;

According to legal provisions, sharing, transferring, and disclosing de-identified personal information, and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re-identify the information subject, does not constitute the external sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing will be without further notification to you and without your consent.

How we protect personal information

We attach great importance to information security, have established a dedicated security team, and take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information:

We will adopt security protection measures that comply with industry standards, including establishing reasonable system specifications and security technologies to prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, use, modification, and avoid data damage or loss.

Our services use a variety of encryption technologies. For example, in some weather forecast services, we will use encryption technology to encrypt and save your personal information, and isolate it through isolation technology to protect your personal information.

The Internet environment is not 100% secure, and we will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of the personal information you send us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of personal information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal liability. Please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limitations, even if we have tried our best to strengthen security measures, we cannot always guarantee 100% information security. You need to understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access the weather forecast service may have problems due to circumstances beyond our control.

Protection of minors

If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using this software and related services.

We protect minors’ personal information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and will only collect, use, share or disclose minors’ personal information as permitted by law, with explicit consent from parents or other guardians, or as necessary to protect minors. Information; if we find that we have collected personal information from minors without first obtaining verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

If you are the guardian of a minor, if you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information disclosed in this privacy policy.

Amendments and Notices

In order to provide you with better services, we may timely modify the terms of this policy based on updates to the weather forecast service and relevant requirements of laws and regulations, and such modifications form part of this policy. We will post any changes to this policy on this page.

How to contact us

If you have complaints or reports about network information security, or if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy, Weather Forecast's privacy measures, or matters related to your information, please send an email to [email protected]. Under normal circumstances, we will handle your questions, comments or suggestions within fifteen working days after we receive them and verify your user identity.